Social Tapes: Matthew Shepard Tapes

US$36 | 240 元
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50% of proceeds is donated to the Matthew Shepard Foundation. After your purchase you will receive a copy of the donation receipt within 24 hours.
项目收益的50%将捐给Matthew Shepard Foundation基金会。购买录音之后,你将于24小时之内收到捐助收据的副本。
Purchase includes all audio in Mp3 256kbps format

At around 12:00 AM on October 7, 1998 in Laramie, Wyoming, Matt Shepard was tied up and brutally beaten because he was gay. 18 hours later a passing bicyclist found his body and called 911. He died 6 days later in Poudre Valley Hospital in Colorado. Made in the same location, time, and day, this 18-hour binaural recording commemorates the day when Matt was found as he would have heard it.

Recorded with a DIY binaural head with 3Dio Silicone ears and DPA 4061 microphones. Audio recorded with a vintage Sony TC-D5 and Sony EF Type 1 Cassettes. Comfortable, circumaural headphones are highly recommended as the audio is very quiet but also because a correct binaural image requires playback through headphones.

Special thanks to: Michele Josue, Matthew Shepard Foundation, Laramie PD, and the landowner for making this project possible.

All audio recorded on location in Laramie, WY on October 7, 2016.

1998年10月7日中午12点左右,在怀俄明东南部城市拉勒米,Matt Shepard被捆绑和毒打,因为他是同性恋。18小时后,一个骑自行车经过的人看到他的尸体,报了警。5天后他死于科罗拉多Poudre Valley Hospital医院。

这个录音设备是用一个自制的双声道磁头,3Dio硅胶耳朵以及DPA 4061麦克风组成,音频通过老式Sony TC-D5和Sony EF型号1盒式磁带录制。推荐聆听时用舒适的罩耳式耳机,因为音频非常安静,双声道声像的正常重放也需要通过耳机进行。




Matt was a year ahead of me in High School and while I was not as close as some of my other friends were with him, I was shocked when I heard about his death. I was in university in the UK so the coverage was not very publicized and I never really felt how much impact his death had in America. Over the following years I followed the progress of the Matthew Shepard Foundation and saw it grow into the amazing and necessary organization it is today.

在高中的时候,Matt比我高一级,尽管我不像我的其他朋友一样,和他关系那么近,当我听到他去世的消息的时候,仍然感到非常震惊。当时我在英国念大学,那里没有什么公开的媒体报道,所以我也未曾感受到他的死在美国引起了怎样的轰动。这之后几年,我一直关注Matthew Shepard Foundation基金会,见证着它发展成为今天这样一个令人惊叹且有意义的组织。

In 2011 I was fortunate enough to be involved in the production of "Matt Shepard Is A Friend Of Mine", directed by my friend Michele Josue, who also was Matt's good friend. I felt I would finally see and hear first-hand what went on those days as well as know more about Matt through his friends and parents. One thing that moved me, and many others, was a passage of Dennis Shepard's courtroom speech:

2011年,我有幸参与到‘Matt Shepard是我的朋友(Matt Shepard Is A Friend Of Mine)’电影的制作中,电影导演是我的朋友Michele Josue,也是Matt的一个好朋友。当时我觉得我终于有机会亲身看见听见那些天发生了什么,也通过Matt的朋友和父母进一步了解他。其中Dennis Shepard在法庭上的一段话让我和其他人都非常感动:

"By the end of the beating, his body was just trying to survive. You left him out there by himself, but he wasn’t alone. There were his lifelong friends with him – friends that he had grown up with. You’re probably wondering who these friends were. First he had the beautiful night sky with the same stars and moon that we used to look at through a telescope. Then, he had the daylight and the sun to shine on him one more time- one more cool, wonderful autumn day in Wyoming. His last day alive in Wyoming. His last day alive in the state that he always proudly called home. And through it all he was breathing in for the last time the smell of Wyoming sagebrush and the scent of pine trees from the snowy range. He heard the wind- the ever-present Wyoming wind- for the last time. He had one more friend with him. One he grew to know through his time in Sunday school and as an acolyte at St. Mark’s in Casper as well as through his visits to St. Matthew’s in Laramie. He had God.

I feel better knowing he wasn’t alone."

For me, this was an amazingly precise description of the land where I was standing for the first time and that Matt had known his whole life. One night we were on the land shooting the stars and I knew that I needed this document. This was the one way I would translate all that I had learned, experienced, and felt so far about Matt into an audio recording. It was the most basic and complete expression of emotion that I could produce.

殴打到最后,他的身体只是在挣扎着活下去。你把他一个人丢在那儿,但他不是一个人。他毕生的朋友也在那里 – 和他一起长大的朋友。你可能会想,这些朋友是谁。是迷人的夜空,闪烁的和我们小时候从望远镜里看到的一样的星星和月亮。是在怀俄明又一个凉爽美好的秋日,再一次洒在他身上的日光。这是他在怀俄明生命的最后一天。在他称作是家的地方的最后一天。是他最后一次呼吸的充满怀俄明蒿树和雪松味道的空气。是最后一次听见的怀俄明无时不刻的风声。还有一个朋友。是他上周日学校、在卡斯珀St. Mark任教士助理,还有拜访拉勒米St. Matthew时认识的朋友 – 上帝。想到他当时不是一个人,我内心稍微宽慰了一点。

5 years later, on October 7, 2016- the 18 anniversary of his death- I went back to the location where he was found and recorded Matt's last day in Wyoming. It was exactly as Dennis had described, albeit many times colder. I saw the stars and the sun rise behind where he lay; I felt the cold October, Wyoming wind pass right through to my bones; I rubbed the sagebrush in my hands to smell its bitter scent; I saw the sun set right before his eyes. It was a beautiful story. I belonged where I was. To feel this, was to feel Matt.


The fact that Matt had lay there for this long exposed to the elements with only the shirt on his back is unbelievable. To experience this hardship consciously was already a test of my own tenacity with the beauty of the surrounding landscape my only solace. The resilience of his spirit is mirrored through the tireless work of his loved ones, the Matthew Shepard Foundation, and many other organizations working together to 'erase hate' and for LGBT equality.

5年后,2016年10月7日 – 他的第18个忌日 – 我回到他尸体被发现的地方,收录了Matt在怀俄明最后一天的声音。那天的怀俄明就像Dennis所描述的那样,尽管温度要低很多。我看见太阳和星星在他身后升起;我感受到寒冷的十月,怀俄明刺骨的寒风;我扯下几片蒿树叶,在手中闻到苦涩的味道;我看见太阳正对着他的双眼。这是一个美好的故事。我属于当时脚下的那片土地。感受这些,就是感受Matt。

These recordings are a document of the beginning of an end. The end of hate. The end of prejudice. The end of senseless violence. Matt's death was the catalyst for change that has and will happen. But the fact that this is not a unique instance and that this violence still happens today is an indication that we need to have the courage to do more and be more than who we are. The end begins with us.

Matt的身体被暴露在这样的环境里如此之久,只有一件衬衫遮住他的背,令人无法置信。在清醒的时候感受这种痛楚已经是对我韧性的考验了,唯有这周围的怡人景色能给我一点慰藉。他的坚韧精神也通过他爱的人 – Matthew Shepard Foundation基金会以及很多的其他组织的共同努力持续传递着,协力‘抹去仇恨’,争取LGBT群体的平等权利。


The Recording
Earlier this year I contacted Michele to see if she could put me in touch with someone at the Foundation that could get me in touch with the people I needed to make it happen. She put me in touch with Jason Marsden, the executive director of the Matthew Shepard Foundation, who put me in touch with the Sheriff who told me who the landowner was. I couldn't find an email for the landowner so I wrote him a letter. Yes, a letter! Sending it from China with regular mail was a long shot but it was all I could do. When I received an email with the permission to record on his land a month later, I was totally beside myself. This recording was finally happening.

今年年初,我联系了Michele,希望她能帮我牵线搭桥,和基金会相关人士联系,共同实现我想做的事情。她帮我联系了Jason Marsden,Matthew Shepard Foundation基金会的执行总监,通过他我联系上了当地警长,给了我关于土地持有者的信息。我找不到这个土地持有人的电子邮件地址,所以我给他写了封信。是的,一封手写信!从中国平邮寄出,要很久的时间,但是我也没有别的选择了。一个月后,当我收到邮件同意我在他的土地上录音,我高兴极了。这个录音的计划终于能落地了。

I reviewed the movie again as I remember there were some images of the exact location of where Matt was found. I also looked on the internet and found some more images of that location. Through the shape of the rocks and the vegetation, I found exactly where he was found on Google maps.


I was fortunate enough to find an original Sony TC-D5 in amazing condition from 1978 and after some test recordings, I knew that in terms of portability and sound this was the device that I was going to use. The use of analog tape was a decision I had made from the start both for the type of sound, and also of the fact that it kept me awake more or less the entire time to change tapes every 28 or so minutes. Because of this, I experienced every nuance of Dennis' speech during those 18 hours.

我很幸运的买到一个1978年原版Sony TC-D5,保养情况还非常好,做了一些测试录音之后,我知道这个设备从便携性以及声音质量上来说都将适合这次录音工作。考虑到声音的类型,从一开始,我就决定使用模拟录音带,这样每隔28分钟左右更换录音带的操作可以让我录音全程一直保持清醒。也因为这样,我在这18小时的录音里,体会到了Dennis在法庭说那段话里的每一个微妙细节。

On October 5th, I packed everything up and made the long journey to Wyoming from Shanghai. The last leg driving from Denver to Laramie was tough but was greeted by a nice comfy bed at the local hotel.


The next day, I met with Sheriff Dave O'Malley in his office to say hi and afterwards bought some supplies and food for the next day. The forecast for the 7th was to be clear so things were already looking good. Before sundown I laid down my 100 meter cable at the location and left to have a rest in preparation for the long day ahead of me.

第二天,我去见了警长Dave O’Malley,在他的办公室和他打了招呼,之后我去买了些日用品和食物,为之后的录音做准备。天气预报说7号天气晴朗,所以那几天天气看上去已经不错了。太阳落山之前,我在录音地点铺好我的100米的缆绳,回到酒店休息,为漫长的第二天录音工作做准备。

At 12:00 AM, I put the head on the ground as per the photos I was able to find and walked away. It was cold. It was quiet. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, the stars appeared like snowflakes frozen in the night sky. The sunrise revealed a blanket of frost on the car and everywhere else. I was freezing and I desperately needed the sun's warmth. The winds came later that morning and stayed with me until the end. The occasional curious bird sang in the adjacent tree and deer wandered past foraging for something to eat. The last thing Matt saw of Wyoming was the sunset right before he was found. I am glad he got to see that.


Since I have been back, I have listened to the entire set two times during the post production of it and it is still as humbling as the day I recorded it. I invite you to listen to one, some, or all of the tapes to remember Matt and all who struggle because of who they are.

Erase Hate. Keep listening.

