Location Sound
Bivouac Recording offers sound recording services for the tv / radio / film / documentary industry. We specialize in Location Recording and mixing, Post production (foley, sound design), and Creative Audio Commissions such as customized soundwalks, specific location recordings, and audio installations.
We look forward to working and collaborating with open-minded, creative individuals or businesses who are looking to use sound to take their business, production, or creative idea to the next level. We have experience in sound recording for independent and corporate video, documentaries, remote field recording, live and studio sound recording; all with a focus on achieving the best quality sound possible. Please contact us with your idea and we will be happy to work with you to realize it.
Bivouac Recording专司于现场录音,音频后期处理,音效设计,拟音和代理创意音频(例如:可定制的声音漫步,指定现场的录音,或音频安装等),同样为客户提供电视/电影/纪录片等的录音服务。
Bivouac Recording期待和每个潜在客户合作,您的天马行空将与Bivouac Recording擦出新的火花。Bivouac Recording将竭力通过音频展现您的创意或想法,从而使您的业务更上一层楼。Bivouac Recording曾参与电影录音,远景录音,音频后期处理,以及现场或进棚录音,每次工作我们都一丝不苟,力求完美。如您有兴趣或好点子,请联系Bivouac Recording,我们非常乐意与您一起创造"奇迹"。
> 超级育儿师 (Supernanny) Season 1-2 [2013-2014]
Main sound recordist
> 冲刺中国 [Amazing Race: China Rush] Season 1-3 [2009-2012]
ICS, Dragon TV
Main sound mixer
> China Love [2018]
Dir. Olivia Martin- McGuire
Sound Recordist
> Happy Jail [2016/2017]
Education Pictures
Heartmob (Dir. Michele Josue)
Sound Recordist
> Matt Shepard is a Friend of Mine [2013]
Winner- 2016 Daytime Emmy
Run Rabbit Run Productions (Dir. Michele Josue)
Sound Recordist
> Conquering China [2014]
Silverosa Film [Dir. Johan Johanson]
Sound Recordist
> Hukou [2010]
Daedalum Films (Dir. Luis Tapia)
> Building 173 [2009]
Studio Stare (Dir. Charlotte Mikkelborg, Petter Eldin)
Digital Obscura, WWF UK, Volvo, Pretzel Films UK, Intercontinental Hotel Group, Porsche Driving School, SKF, Nokia Seimens Networks, Shangri-la Hotels, AFA (Sweden), Starwood Hotel Group, Apple Store concert series (Split Works/ Daedalum Films), DJI
Equipment 设备
Our current equipment is listed below. Additional equipment requirements can be rented locally:
Recorders/ Mixers
Sonosax Mini R82
Sound Devices 442
Sennheiser MKH-418s with windshield
Sennheiser MKH 8060
Sennheiser MKH 8050
Sennheiser MKH 8090 (2)
DPA 4060/1 Lavaliers
Wildtronics Stereo parabolic Microphone
Dolphin underwater hydrophone
Lectrosonics UCR100/UM100
Sony UWP Wireless mic sets for IFB