Growing Up With Shanghai: Nanjing Xi Lu | 与沪成长- 南京西路

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南京西路是一条穿过上海市中心区域的道路。在高大林立摩天大楼和华丽店面中安坐一条古老的弄堂,至今能在这种地段保留这样的弄堂非常罕见。这个故事是一位还住在这条弄堂里的朋友告诉我的。 队,他至今仍然住在‘润康村’弄堂在南京西路和成都北路路口。他说的故事都发生在该地区规模和身段都还很平凡的一个年代,在南北高架建成之前。那时候的成都北路只是条两车道的小马路。大多数细节用现在的眼光难以想象,因为在过去的30年这里发生了翻天覆地的变化。这段声音慢步将带你参观这个路段,是一个中心的一切,同时也会因为周边的五光十色玲琅满目被轻易的忽视。。。直到今天。
Nanjing Xi Lu is a main road that cuts through the heart of Shanghai’s downtown area. Amidst the tall skyscrapers and flashy storefronts is a small nongtang that is pretty rare to see for this address. This story is told by my friend who still lives in the nongtang right off of Nanjing Xi Lu. He tells of a time when the scale of the area was much lower and before the Nanbei Gaojia was built, and Chengdu Lu was just a regular two-lane road. Most of the details are hard to realize since so much has changed in the area in the past 30 years. The walk takes you on a tour of an area that is at the center of everything and yet could easily be overlooked- until today.