Growing Up With Shanghai: Huaihai Lu | 与沪成长- 淮海路

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她的家被拆迁了。当从电视上看见关于与上海一起长大的特辑,她联络了我因为她觉得应该把对这片土地的美好记忆纪录下来。我们见面的时候她多次提到了她的爷爷,一个对这块地方有更深刻记忆和了解的老上海, 虽然他不没能亲自来现场用声音来纪录自己的美好回忆,他把重要的记忆写在了一张小小的纸上,由Mandy来融合3代人的回忆来纪录对这片土地的思念。
刚刚开始录时Mandy有些拘谨,可以看出开始的台词都在心里来回练习计划多时。 直到我们回到了她家旧址的附近,Mandy开始用率真感性的声音开始回忆在这里的过去。 走过窄窄的小巷穿过那已不存在的小区入口,我们仿佛走回过去,走进Mandy的童年。 在华丽繁荣的街景后是这片现在看起来像废墟一样的土地,人去楼空和那些被拆了一半的旧楼。 仍然有零星的一两户人家守在这里等待不得不搬的最后一刻。
Mandy had lived in a small house on Huai Hai Lu her entire life until November 2009 when her house was demolished. Mandy had contacted me after hearing about the Growing Up With Shanghai project on TV and thought it would be interesting to document her memories in the area around her now demolished home. She had mentioned her Grandfather was very knowledgeable about the history of this area of Huai Hai Lu but he was unavailable for the walk- there only in spirit by some scribbled notes on a folded piece of paper.
Mandy was a bit nervous in the beginning, relying mostly on her notes to guide her dialog. However, when we finally reached her old house she became more candid, emotional, and spontaneous. Walking down the narrow alleyway that was the entrance to her old neighborhood, it seemed as if we walked into another world. Just beyond the flashy street facades, lay a wasteland of demolished and half-demolished buildings. The few that were left standing still had residents.
This is a great document of pre-Expo Shanghai and the changes that were happening to the city we saw and the parts of the city we didn’t. It has been one year since the recording and nothing still has been built on the site.
Mandy and her family have since moved into a residence further down on Huai Hai Lu.
One thing I found interesting about her transcript was that she would mostly refer to a location by its previous name and not what was there now.