Growing Up With Shanghai: Buzhen | 与沪成长- 堡镇

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堡镇以前是一个港湾镇。现在镇上生活更加悠闲放松,在明媚的夏日,整个镇子都是一幅宁静的景观 – 和作为经济动脉的上海市区形成对比。Ben回忆着他在堡镇度过的童年。尽管他现在已经搬到了上海市区生活,他还是会经常回来这里看望他的母亲。他朋友的旧房子离渡船码头不远,所以我们从他家借了几辆生锈的旧自行车,沿着主街骑了很远。关于这里,他记忆里都是愉悦温柔的情绪,和这凉爽的初夏的早晨有几分相似,也可能是这种早晨激发了那些情绪。
Chongming Dao is the largest alluvial island in the world and it is a county within the Shanghai Municipality. Mostly an agricultural landscape most of its history has literally had an isolation from the surrounding society only a stones throw from its shores. Until recently, ferries were the only means of transport between the mainland and now, a new bridge and tunnel system has been built to reduce travel time and facilitate its economy. This new addition left some of the once bustling port towns quiet and empty. Remnants of its not so distant past still line the streets now only catering to the local population and waiting for its rebirth.
The town of Buzhen was a port town in its previous life. Today it is more relaxed and on this beautiful summer day, it was nothing more, or less, than peaceful- a welcome reverse effect of the new artery. Ben recounts his childhood growing up in Bu Zhen. Although he lives in Shanghai City now, he still comes back to see his mother. His friend’s old house was near the ferry terminal so we borrowed old rusty bicycles from his family to cover the long distance along the main street. His memories are filled with pleasant and intimate emotions possibly not unlike- or even inspired by- the cool early summer morning.