60 Minute Cities: Xi'an | 60 分钟,我的城市- 西安

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w西安是我生活过的第三座城市,也是目前定居的城市 /在这里,我认识了很多有趣的人,也做了些有趣的事/ 16年的时候,因为对实地录音的着迷,我买了一台Sony d100。这样,在我用双腿去丈量每一个去到的城市的同时,可以去感受并记录在那个时刻那个气候那个场景下即将存在或存在过的,不断重复或转瞬即逝的,随机而又必然的声音 /现在再回过头看我本次选取的录音地点,有些已经不复存在。人不能二次踏入同一条河流,同样,人也不能二次听到同样的声音。记录只是手段,是定格,是捕捉,是放大,亦或失真;但时间轴只有一个方向,无法replay //

Xi'an is the third city I have lived in and is my present home / I have met many interesting people and done some interesting works here / In 2016, because of my growing interest in field recording, I bought a Sony D100 recorder / While measuring each city I have visited with my own two legs, I can feel and record the sounds that will exist or exist in that scene at that moment and in that climate, constantly repeating or fleeting, random and inevitable / Now when I look back at the locations I have chosen this time, some of them no longer exist. One cannot step into the same river twice, and likewise one cannot hear the same sound twice. Recording is only a means, a freeze frame, a capture, an amplification, or distortion; But the timeline has only one direction and cannot be replayed //


秦岭,前硬件测试工程师。喜欢使用合成器+tabletop guitar+调音台反馈的方式来制造各种频率声响,探索drone的另一种可能。

About the Artist
Qin Ling / Former hardware test engineer / Uses synthesizers, table top guitar, and mixer feedback to create a variety of new sounds and explores the unexpected possiblities of drone //