60 Minute Cities: Varanasi | 60分钟,我的城市- 瓦拉纳西

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2002年,我在亚洲旅行了一年,在那之前我已经在不同的地方游走了几个月,当时的我只想在一个地方停留一阵子,于是我选择了瓦拉纳西(印度东北部城市)/不幸的是,那里的天气并不理想,从尼泊尔过境进入印度的时候,早上9点温度就已经达到了42度,所以我临时改变了计划,向北往喜马拉雅的方向,那里天气情况好很多,我可以在山上生活几个月/2012年,也就是10年之后,我回到印度,瓦拉纳西是我第一个去的地方/我无可救药地爱上这个城市,它时时刻刻都在变化,作为一个录音师,我觉得这里可以收录到无穷无尽的声音。你总是可以听到声音,这个城市没有一秒是寂静的/这个城市是如此的古老,有如此丰富的故事,墙体像在和你诉说,狭窄的街道在低声细语,混合的各种各样的声音: 向河流边走去的成群的水牛、正在进行的宗教仪式、叫卖的街头商贩、在街头狂吠的狗群、广播里播放的祷告的咒文、和蟋蟀玩耍的小孩、在路边洗衣服的人们/这一切让人觉得时间的流逝在这里变得缓慢/这里像是一个没有止境的循环,一个声音爱好者的天堂//
In 2002 I made a one year trip to Asia, after months of traveling from one place to another, all I thought was to stay in one place and live there for a while: Varanasi / Unfortunately the weather was not favorable and just when crossing the border from Nepal to India it was 42 degrees at 9 in the morning, so I immediately changed my plan and went up to the Himalayas where the weather was much better and I could spend some months living in the mountains / In 2012, ten years later, I returned to India and Varanasi was the first destination on my list / It was inevitable to fall in love with this city where all the time something is happening, as a sound recordist I found here an eternal track to record, there is always sound, there is never silence / A city so ancient and with so many stories that it seems that the walls speak to you, seems as if they whisper when you walk along its narrow streets, whispers that get mixed with herds of buffalos coming down to the river, religious ceremonies, street sellers, street dog fights, mantras through speakers, children playing cricket, people washing clothes / It seems that time passes a lot slower here / It is an endless loop, a paradise for sound lovers //
Erick Ruiz Arellano/墨西哥人/1982年生于洛杉矶/电影及纪录片混音师、音景师、音乐人和声音艺术家/他为超过35部电影制作配音,其中3次赢得Ariel最佳配音奖,分别是作品Kilómetro 31 (2008), Desierto Adentro (2009), Backyard Traspatio (2010)/他曾为包括国家地理、BBC、探索频道、历史频道、旅游频道、PBS以及MTV广播台在内的国际网络电视制作录音作品/2002年以来,他作为一个声音景观艺术家,在超过30个国家进行实地录音,其中主要在墨西哥和印度/他曾和Fonoteca Nacional合作制作了 "Pueblos Mágicos" (2011) 和"Chihuahua" (2015) 两个声音项目/目前,他居住在墨西哥城和San Cristóbal de Las Casas两地,用他过去14年积累的录音素材进行声音艺术和试验性音乐项目的尝试。