60 Minute Cities: Ulaanbaatar | 60分钟,我的城市- 乌兰巴托

US $5 | RMB 30元
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[Purchase includes Mp3 audio files and PDF of track descriptions]

May your target be stable
Vision be sharp
Voice be clear and

The spirit of knuckle-bone shooting bless you /

蒙古国文化里独特而丰富的音乐传统让Vortichez向往,2016年夏天她前去进行了一番不可思议的探索,并收录制作为生动的实地录音/60分钟城市 – 乌兰巴托收录了当地极富才华的音乐表演者的录音以及Khustain国家公园的日常声音/在她和当地游牧族家庭的互动相处里,整个蒙古国都变得鲜活了起来。

她通过60分钟城市 – 乌兰巴托项目获得的所有收益均将捐给Lotus Children’s Centre儿童中心。

The uniqueness and rich musical traditions of Mongolian culture led Vortichez to some incredible discoveries in Summer 2016, which she has captured as vivid field recordings / 60 Minute Cities – Ulaanbaatar includes recordings of stunningly talented musical performers and the daily sounds of Khustain National Park / Mongolia really comes alive in her interactions with one of the nomadic families living there /

All of her proceeds from 60 Minute Cities – Ulaanbaatar will be donated to Lotus Children’s Centre //



About the Artist:

Vortichez (@vortichez) has taken diverse field recordings over her extensive travels, many of which are freely downloadable at freesound.org
