60 Minute Cities: Sydney | 60分钟,我的城市- 悉尼

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Welcome to my Sydney in winter / My first winter here! / Once the temperature falls down to around 15-18 Celsius degrees and the ubiquitous sound of thermophilic cicadas trail off, the tourists move towards the more carefree North Australia and the vibrant city’s din cools down so that Sydney can take a deep breath / The wind activates swishy all-year-round green palm leaves and moves dried brown oddments of plane-trees lying on the streets / Coastal and Harbour landscapes bring holiday memories / Commuting symphony of cars, ferries, trains and planes is in the air all day long / My selection of Sydney sounds is not a set of holiday sound postcards but rather the soundscape of my everyday journeys sweetened by the presence of a few iconic spots / Living here for 6 months now, I am still discovering my way around this metropolis day by day //
Weronika Raźna(生于1986年)是一位波兰录音师/设计师,现居澳大利亚悉尼/她毕业于华沙肖邦音乐大学(Frederic Chopin University of Music),现在是一名自由职业者,活跃于电影、电视以及音频行业/她与电影导演以及视觉艺术家合作/对她来说,实地录音一直都是一项有着特殊意义的艺术,也是她探索未知地方的绝佳工具,为她的声音设计带来无限灵感//
Weronika Raźna (1986) is a Polish sound engineer/designer currently based in Sydney, Australia / Graduated from Frederic Chopin University of Music in Warsaw, she works as a freelancer in film, TV and audio industry / She collaborates with both film directors and visual artists / Field recordings have always been of special importance to her as they serve as a perfect tool for exploring unknown places and are an endless source of inspiration for sound design //