60 Minute Cities: San Cristobal De Las Casas | 60分钟,我的城市- 圣克里斯托瓦尔-德拉斯卡萨斯

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2007年我第一次来到San Cristóbal,当时我在为一个纪录片做配音/我对那里的街道、市场还有教堂的颜色和声音十分着迷/2008年因为另一个纪录片的工作,我再次到访,继续收录了一些声音,关于那里的街道、仪式、习俗、传统、音乐和舞蹈/那里好像每天都有需要庆祝的事情,你总是可以听到烟花在空中燃放的声音/2011年我第三次回到那里,进一步丰富了自己的录音素材,我开始喜欢上那里的自然、语言和故事/我完全爱上了San Cristóbal,这份热爱让我在2015年的时候再一次回去,因为我遇见了一个美丽的当地女孩子,自那之后我们一起生活在城外山中的一个房子里/生活在那里,我感到森林的寂静和城市声音的强烈对比,从什么都没有到有些什么,是一个很大的跨度//
I first met San Cristóbal in 2007 when I was making sound for a documentary / I was enchanted with its colors and the sounds in the streets, in the markets, in the churches / I returned in 2008 for another documentary and continued to record the sounds I found on my way, the rituals, the traditions, the music, the dances / It seems that every day there is something to celebrate because you can always hear fireworks in the sky / In 2011 I returned for the third time and my collection of sounds grew, I became fascinated with the nature, the languages, the stories / I was completely in love with San Cristobal and it must have been love that brought me back because in 2015 I met a beautiful girl from San Cristóbal and I have been living with her since in a house in the mountains outside of town / When you live in the silence of the forest the contrast with the sounds of the town are amazing, a wide range from nothing to something //
Erick Ruiz Arellano/墨西哥人/1982年生于洛杉矶/电影及纪录片混音师、音景师、音乐人和声音艺术家/他为超过35部电影制作配音,其中3次赢得Ariel最佳配音奖,分别是作品Kilómetro 31 (2008), Desierto Adentro (2009), Backyard Traspatio (2010)/他曾为包括国家地理、BBC、探索频道、历史频道、旅游频道、PBS以及MTV广播台在内的国际网络电视制作录音作品/2002年以来,他作为一个声音景观艺术家,在超过30个国家进行实地录音,其中主要在墨西哥和印度/他曾和Fonoteca Nacional合作制作了 "Pueblos Mágicos" (2011) 和"Chihuahua" (2015) 两个声音项目/目前,他居住在墨西哥城和San Cristóbal de Las Casas两地,用他过去14年积累的录音素材进行声音艺术和试验性音乐项目的尝试。
Erick Ruiz Arellano / Mexican / Los Angeles, 1982 / Sound mixer for films and documentaries, soundscaper, musician and sound artist / Has made sound in more than 35 feature films, including 3 winners of Ariel for best sound: Kilómetro 31 (2008), Desierto Adentro (2009), Backyard Traspatio (2010) / Has recorded sound for international networks such as National Geographic, BBC, Discovery, History, Travel Channel, PBS, MTV Networks / Since 2002 he has worked as a soundscape artist, making field recordings in more than 30 countries, mainly in Mexico and India / Has collaborated with the Fonoteca Nacional doing field recordings for "Pueblos Mágicos" (2011) and "Chihuahua" (2015) soundscape projects / He currently resides between Mexico City and San Cristóbal de Las Casas, and is elaborating sound art and experimental music projects using only the sound recordings he has been doing for the past 14 years //