60 Minute Cities: Philadelphia | 60分钟,我的城市- 费城

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[Purchase includes Mp3 audio files and PDF of track descriptions]
费城是美国自由的诞生地/尽管像美国许多其他城市一样,这座城市在过去20年间经历了复兴和再生,但仍然保留了一些充满魅力的旧时的印记 – 牛肉芝士三明治食摊、狭窄的街道、当地跳台、对于运动的狂热,还有令人难忘的费城口音以及它不同街区的不同版本的口音/在这本专辑里,我走访了城市一些新的和旧的地方,当然包括那些知名的或者不那么知名的一些地方/(遗憾的是,我们再也听不见独立钟鸣钟了)我在收录这本专辑的时候,在意识里告诉自己钟声无处不在/
但是,录音的过程让我更深刻感受到日常的噪音是多么具有音乐性/这不仅包括一些显而易见的瞬间的声音,比如一列火车轰鸣而过的韵律,还有一些更微妙的时刻的声音,比如卡车轮胎碾压高速公路路面前行的声音/现在人们都抱怨被生活里各种各样令人分心的东西轰炸 – 音乐、视频、社交媒体/我在想如果我们不再相信我们的周围环境可以为我们提供满足,我们会因此错过许多美好的东西,比如如果我们认真去听,那些也在等待着我们的音乐/我希望我制作的这本专辑能强劲地呈现出我们日常生活里偶然发生的声音/波伊提乌提到过球体之间的和声,街道角落也有它自己的和声,通常都是由最出人意料的声源发出的声音/这是我制作的第一本专辑,全部基于实地录音的声音/我想感谢Bivouac Recording提供这个机会,让我参与到这个受益匪浅的项目//
Philadelphia is the birthplace of liberty in the United States / While like many American cities it has experienced a Renaissance in the past twenty years, it is still marked by many of its charming old school features—cheesesteak stands, narrow streets, local dives, sports mania, and the unforgettable Philly accent and its variants by neighborhood / In this album I visit a little of the new and the old, not to mention popular locations and more obscure ones / (Unfortunately for us, the Liberty Bell no longer rings) I made this record with the mentality that music is everywhere / However, the recording process revealed to me at a deeper level just how musical everyday noises are / This not only includes the obvious instances like the rhythm of a train but also subtler phenomena such as the melody sung by a set of truck tires as they roll along the highway / It’s a common complaint that most of us are bombarded by distractions—music, videos, social media / I wonder if we no longer trust in our surroundings to provide contentment, and as a result we miss a lot of beautiful things, including music that would be waiting for us if we would only listen for it / I’d like my album to present a compelling argument on behalf of this contingent music that occurs all around us every day / Boethius spoke of the harmony of the spheres, but the street corner also has its own harmony that is often sung by the unlikeliest of singers / This is the first album I’ve made which is strictly field recording based / I would like to thank Bivouac Recording for the opportunity to participate in this rewarding project //
Michael Lawrence2006年从宾夕法尼亚州中部搬到费城/他一直学习音乐,最开始学习钢琴,之后又学习小号和管风琴/在他开始加入The Robotrippers乐队(一个费城当地乐队),作为小号手演奏摇滚乐之前,他只演奏过古典音乐,在教堂担任音乐总监、在全球最大的可弹奏管风琴音乐厅Wanamaker Organ(位于费城)担任助理风琴手/2016年,因为一个朋友音乐工作室的机会,也因为一直喜欢Steve Reich、Henry Jacobs及其他的音乐人,受到启发,于是开始自己实地录音的尝试/Michael Lawrence是一个作曲人、作家,不仅支持前卫音乐,也探索跨流派的音乐作品//
Michael Lawrence moved to Philadelphia in 2006 from central Pennsylvania / He has been a musician for most of his life, beginning with piano and later adding trumpet and pipe organ studies / Until he broke into the rock scene as the trumpet player in The Robotrippers, a local Philly band, he had worked solely within the confines of classical music, holding positions such as music director in churches, as well as assistant organist on the Wanamaker Organ, the world’s largest functioning pipe organ, located in Philadelphia / In 2016, when the opportunity to work out of a friend’s music studio presented itself, he began field recording, having been inspired by the likes of Steve Reich, Henry Jacobs, and others / A published composer and writer, he is an advocate not only for avant-garde music but also work that transcends genre //