60 Minute Cities: Mexico City | 60分钟,我的城市- 墨西哥城

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[Purchase includes Mp3 audio files and PDF of track descriptions]
我第一次到墨西哥是2009年,当时和视觉艺术家Francis Alys一起工作/此前几个月我在摩洛哥和西班牙的一次拍摄中见过他/我住在他的工作室里,是一间小公寓,位于一栋有着大阳台的房子屋顶/工作室位于墨西哥城老城区中心,Zocalo(主广场)后面,就在那些旅游景点后面/在夜里,这里是城市最安静的角落,而白天却是‘声音最丰富’(在别人看来可能是嘈杂)的地方/街头售卖者是这些声音的主要来源/那之后,我先是一年去墨西哥旅游几次,主要是和Francis一起工作,而有时候就是想回去那里 – 在城市里住着或者在国内其他地方游玩/2012年底,我彻底搬到了墨西哥。我还是住在市中心, 但是在另一个区域,依旧探索着这个巨大的城市里新的地方和新的声音//
I first arrived in Mexico in 2009 to work with the visual-artist Francis Alys / I just met him a few months ago on a shoot in Morocco and Spain / I was living at his workshop; a small flat on the top of the house with a big balcony / It was in the historic center of Mexico City, behind the Zocalo (main square), right behind the tourist areas / It’s the quietest part of the city at night and is extremely ‘soundy’ (noisy for others) during the day / Street sellers are the main sound sources of the polyphony / After that, I first traveled a few times a year to Mexico, principally to work with Francis, but also just to be there- to live in the city or travel in the country / I moved my ‘base’ there at the end of 2012. I’m still living in the center, but in another area and am still trying to discover new places and new sounds in this huge city //
Felix Blume(1984年出生于法国纳博讷)是一个声音艺术家和录音师,现在在墨西哥、法国和比利时工作和居住。
他的作品曾在世界各个展览中展出,包括西班牙(LOOP Festival, CCCB)、墨西哥(Ex-Teresa, Fonoteca Nacional, Casa de Francia, Quinto Piso)、智利(CENTEX, Festival Tsonami)、法国(Instants Chavirés)、德国(Labor 19)、比利时(Festival Monophonic)等。他创作的声音作品也在世界各地的美术馆和电台播放,包括法国Arte Radio、奥地利Kunst Radio、德国Deutschland Radio Kultur、西班牙Radio Nacional de España、法国Phaune Radio、澳大利亚ABC Radio、比利时Radio Panik、法国Radio Grenouille等电台及包括巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心和奥赛美术馆在内的艺术空间。他的作品Los Gritos de México在法国巴黎Phonurgia音乐节获得"Pierre Schaeffer"大奖,并曾在墨西哥城城市电台Bienal de Radio播放。
作为录音师,他主要为纪录片、故事片及视频艺术做录音工作和音效设计,曾与不同的导演及包括Francis Alÿs在内的视觉艺术家合作。他毕业于比利时INSAS电影学校以及法国Audiovisual Technician Brevet学校。他也在法国、墨西哥、意大利和比利时开设工作坊。
Félix Blume (Narbonne, France, 1984) is a sound artist and sound engineer. He currently works and lives between Mexico, France and Belgium.
His personal work is based on field-recordings using sound as a basic material, in sound pieces, videos, actions and installations. He works with communities in the public space. In his pieces, he blurs the line between sounds and music by changing noise in sounds that eventually sheds a new light on the perception of the surrounding sounds. The particularity of his work is that the audio and visual aspects are closely intertwined. As a sound collector, he has a large sound library recorded from different parts of the world that he freely shares on the Internet.
He has participated in exhibitions in Spain (LOOP Festival, CCCB), Mexico (Ex-Teresa, Fonoteca Nacional, Casa de Francia, Quinto Piso), Chile (CENTEX, Festival Tsonami), France (Instants Chavirés) , Germany (Labor 19) and Belgium (Festival Monophonic). His sound pieces were broadcasted in galleries and radios from all over the world: Arte Radio (FR), Kunst Radio (AT), Deutschland Radio Kultur (DE), Radio Nacional de España (ES), Phaune Radio (FR), ABC Radio (AU), Radio Panik (BE), Radio Grenouille (FR) among others, as well as in different spaces such as Centre Pompidou and Musée d’Orsay. His work Los Gritos de México was granted the "Pierre Schaeffer" prize in the French festival Phonurgia (Paris) and an honorific mention in the Bienal de Radio in Mexico City.
His work as sound engineer focus on sound recording and sound design for documentaries, feature films and video art, collaborating with different directors and visual artists as Francis Alÿs among others. He graduated from INSAS Film School in Belgium and an Audiovisual Technician Brevet in France. He also gave workshops in France, Mexico, Italy and Belgium.