60 Minute Cities: Lille | 60分钟,我的城市- 里尔

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[Purchase includes Mp3 audio files and PDF of track descriptions]
I was born about 15k away from Lille, North of France / I’ve been involved in noise and experimental music since my teens / This very strong interest for raw, generally abstract materials and sounds led me to experience a few different ways to consider the sounds and indirectly to play and listen to music / It probably has influenced these recordings, which are the first I have done with this particular intention of keeping them raw afterwards / Just recording the sounds for what they are / Lille / I’ve been living here on and off for the last ten years with some travelling in-between / Somedays I meet ghosts from my past at every corner / The city keeps evolving all the time / Recording these places that I know by heart made me face them in a totally different way / I’ve tried to be spontaneous in my choices / It’s the end of summer / It’s getting colder and grey / September, I get this specific September feeling each year / It reminds me of my childhood / It’s definitely the best moment for me to record my city //
Thomas Duthoit/我从来都喜欢有一部分属于自己的时间,观察、沉思、分析、尝试去理解我周边的环境/以前我收到的圣诞或生日礼物都是双筒望远镜、显微镜…还有录音机,这并不是巧合,我以前会用录音机去收录类似于广播噪音或者周日和家人午餐的声音/我曾经非常着迷于我爷爷的电动锉刀,在和铁作用的时候产生强烈的噪音和火花,我一直都很喜欢烟火/小时候,我听过朋克和颓废音乐,慢慢开始转向噪音音乐/其实我早在15或16岁就开始玩录音了/我在我的房间玩噪音和蜂鸣音乐玩了很多年,用一个取样器和一把电吉他,加入吉他的声音效果,还有其他随机添加的东西的声音,比如电钻、螺丝刀、钉子…/我什么都试了,凭自己丰富的想象力手工设计制作了几十种桌面吉他/当时把父母气得半死/遗憾的是,这些录音大部分都已经找不到了/与此同时,我还探索过工业噪音音乐、铁克诺音乐、氛围音乐等等/从父母家搬离之后,我开始学习艺术。我认真地学过拍照和画画/我也没有丢掉我的音乐,做过几个项目,但是很快就放弃了/现在回头看,其实我已经花了十年的时间试验和探索我生活里的方方面面/从艺术和音乐开始,到人际关系、工作还有我的整个生活方式/
我在不同的地方旅行过,或者准确来说,我离开法国之后,在欧洲游走,从一个地方到另一个地方,遇见不同的人,探索不同的地方 – 主要是城市/我想这个过程也是让自己更了解自己/我回到法国,试过当厨师维持生计,也挣扎过/我没有再画画了,尽管过去十年我仍然在拍照,拍了越来越多的照片/去年,我因为工作在摩洛哥生活了一段时间,很自然地,我记录了那些吸引我的瞬间和声音/我录音的方式和拍照的方式非常一致/刚开始在一个地方有意识地走着,然后迷路,等待值得用相机或录音机记录下来的画面或者声音/我喜欢几何、建筑、重复、机器还有城市的土地/音景/有趣的是,我直到最近才知道‘实地录音’这种说法,而我从很久之前,有记忆开始, 就已经在收录发生在周围环境的声音了…!
Thomas Duthoit / I’ve always loved spending a big part of my time by myself, observing, contemplating, analysing, trying to understand my environment / I suppose it’s not a coincidence if my Christmas and birthdays presents used to be things like binoculars, a microscope… and a tape recorder that I used to record things like radio noises, or Sunday lunches with my whole family / I had a fascination for my grandad’s electric file, that produced very loud noises and sparkles when used against iron, I’ve also always loved fireworks / I discovered punk and grunge music while growing up, which slowly drove me to noise music / I actually started to record music properly when I was 15 or 16 years old / I’ve played noise and drone music in my room for years using a sampler, an electric guitar, guitar effects and some random stuff like drills, screwdrivers, nails… / I tried everything and created dozens of DIY prepared-guitars with a very stimulated imagination / I made my parents go nuts / I unfortunately lost pretty much all of these recordings / In the same time I discovered industrial music, techno, ambient… / I left my parent’s home and started art studies. I really got into taking pictures and painting / I also kept playing music and started a couple of projects that I quickly gave up / At this point I can retrospectively tell I’ve actually spent ten years experimenting every aspect of my life / It started with art and music, relationships, jobs, my whole lifestyle basically /
I’ve traveled for a bit or rather I’ve left France and drifted all around Europe from a place to an other, meeting people, exploring places – mostly cities / I reckon it was mostly about getting to know myself a bit more / I got back to France and tried to get by, worked as a chef and struggled for a bit too / I do not paint anymore, although I’ve kept taking more and more photos over the last ten years / Last year I got to work in Morocco for a while and I naturally recorded moments and sounds that particularly caught my attention / My approach in recording is quite the same as in taking photos / It starts with a conscious walk around the place, getting lost waiting for the evidence of a picture or a recording / I like geometry, architecture, repetition, machines, urban land/soundscapes / A funny thing is that I’ve only recenlty heard of « field recording » yet as far back in time as I can remember, I’ve always recorded things that were happening around me.. ! /
« 60 minute cities » is my first release, and my first participation to any field recording project / It’s definitely a mixture of the sum of all my experimentations from photos to drone music / You can see some of my photos on Instagram : bits.of.random. / I’ve also started a bandcamp page : https://bitsofrandom.bandcamp.com/
I wish you have as much pleasure audio-exploring as I had recording!
Thomas Duthoit
Nov. 2017