60 Minute Cities: Belfast | 60 分钟,我的城市- 贝尔法斯特

US $5 | RMB 30元
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[Purchase includes Mp3 audio files and PDF of track descriptions]
I have been living in – and recording – Belfast since 2010 / Listening to different locations across this city has resulted in material that has ended up in different compositions and projects, but for the most part I have recorded with no particular goal in mind / Inadvertently, what has emerged over time is a personal collection of recordings that document a cross section of the sonic environments of the city; a fraction of the myriad of events and influences that contribute to life in Belfast / A recording for me sometimes uncovers nuances removed from visual bias, providing a fascinating way to navigate a city and a vivid document of a moment in time for whoever happens to come across it / The selected recordings are chosen to reveal just some of the diverse soundscapes that contain details of the communities, architecture, machinery and wildlife that contribute to life in the city and moments that have shaped my own experience of Belfast //
Aidan Deery是一位作曲人和声音艺术家,居住在贝尔法斯特/2014年,Aidan在贝尔法斯特的声音艺术研究中心完成了他的作曲博士学位/Aidan经常在作品中用到实地录音,作品形式包括固定媒介创作、电子乐器作曲以及装置,他也经常会在一系列国际艺术节中表演/Aidan曾和不同的艺术家合作,包括艺术团体Mak9,以及和Matilde Meireles一起制作duo bunú 的实地录音//
Aidan Deery is a Belfast-based composer and sound artist / Aidan completed a PhD in composition at the Sonic Arts Research Centre, Belfast, in 2014 / Often making use of field recordings, Aidan’s output has included fixed medium compositions, works for instrument with electronics, as well as installations, and has had regular performances at a range of international festivals / Aidan has also collaborated with various artists including arts collective Mak9, and works with Matilde Meireles to form the field recording duo bunú //