60 Minute Cities: Addis Ababa | 60分钟,我的城市- 亚的斯亚贝巴

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从声音的角度来说,Addis Ababa是一座不眠之城/这里的街道总是充斥着大城市区域运转的声音(交通工具的声音、无处不在的嘈杂声)。从一大早到半夜都可以听到从事各式各样工作的人们发出的声音:叫嚷的商贩、动物饲养员和小车司机等等/这些声音有些像埃塞俄比亚音乐,快节奏、有着清晰的鼓点以及欢快的旋律/在这里,(和很多欧洲城市不一样的是)人们都喜欢在街上活动,而不是待在封闭的房子里/在街上,人们工作、聊天,或者就是简单地生活,四季和白天黑夜随着城市运转的节奏变化而变化/城市里安静祥和的地方很少/要想在公园里找到哪怕是一个相对安静的角落几乎都是奇迹/大学校园的坪地和教堂的后院是例外,那是你可以远离噪音的地方/只有在这些时候,在这些平静的城市绿洲里,你才可以听见自然的声音/春天(一年中这个时候我一般都前往埃塞俄比亚的首都旅行),万物复苏,花草盛开,春风徐徐,虫鸣鸟叫,还有动植物界的其他生物都让我想起Addis Ababa这个城市名字的起源 – 崭新的花/埃塞俄比亚是个非常骄傲的民族,也因为他们的声音文化而骄傲/他们的音乐传统根植于不同规模的活动之中/这是为什么在这里,人们听的都不是国际音乐榜的音乐,而主要是埃塞俄比亚表演者(的流行音乐)或是宗教音乐/尽管这些音乐的来源和质量有限(最受欢迎的听音乐的媒介是手机),人们听的大部分曲子都是熟知的、能跟着哼的曲子/埃塞俄比亚人喜欢玩耍,各种各样的假期对他们来说都是特别的/其中一个最重要的节日叫马斯卡尔(Meskal,纪念公元326年圣海伦娜找到真十字架的节日),届时,全镇的人都会参加镇上的狂欢活动,街上都是大型的游行队伍或者小型的即兴音乐会/ Addis Abeba这个城市充满着各种各样的声音/这是一个融合了多种文化的城市,拥有多样的种族和宗教/你可以在各处听到许多不同的语言和不同形式的宗教活动的声音/伊斯兰教信徒在远处祷告;白天,基督教的歌声在教堂回响,或者在广播里播放,这些都让人想到埃塞俄比亚人的开放和包容,以及共存共生的不同的宗教和政治//
Addis Ababa is a city that does not sleep soundwise / Its streets are almost constantly filled with the sounds associated with the operation of a large metropolitan area (traffic, omnipresent hum). Screaming traders, animal breeders, small vehicle drivers and other professional groups can be heard from the early morning until late at night / Just like the sounds of Ethiopian music, which is characterized by fast, clearly constituted drum rhythm and cheerful melody / Here the time (in contrast to many European cities) is spent in the streets rather than in closed houses / Working, talking, simply living takes place in the streets and the time of the year and the day are determined by the rhythm of the functioning of the city / Places of quiet and calm are but a few / Finding at least a fragment of the park where there is relative silence borders on the miracle / The grounds of the university campus, courtyards of the churches are exceptions where you can rest from the noise / Only in such moments, there in the oases of calm, you can hear the nature having its voice / Spring (at this time of the year I visited the capital of Ethiopia), awakening the life of the nature, the blooming of plants, the wind, the sounds of small insects, birds and other representatives of the world of plants and animals, all these reminds us of the origin of the name Addis Ababa (New Flower) / Ethiopians are a very proud nation, also of its sound culture / They cultivate their musical traditions at various levels of activity / That’s why we don’t meet here the well-known music from international charts, mainly Ethiopian performers (of popular music) or sacred works are listened to / Although the source and quality of these recordings leave much to be desired (the most popular format is a mobile phone), most of the tracks are known by heart and sung together / Ethiopians love to play, that is why all kinds of holidays are a special time / During one of the most important of them, Meskal (the feast commemorating the finding of the True Cross in 326 by the Empress Helen), the whole town participates in a collective frenzy and its streets are turned into the arena of great parades or small spontaneous concert / Addis Abeba is a city with a wide range of sounds / It is a multicultural city, diverse in terms of ethnicity and religion/ Everywhere you can hear many different languages and different forms of religious activity / The voice Muezzin praying in the distance, Christian songs sung live in the church or played from the speakers during the day, it’s all reminiscent of the openness and tolerance of Ethiopians, their ability to function in mutual symbiosis over religion and politics //
Rafał Kołacki是一位音乐人,参与了HATI, Mammoth Ulthana, Innercity Ensamble, T’ien Lai 以及Molok Mun等项目/他收录和发行了数十张唱片,也在世界各地进行演出(包括Unsound New York, CTM Berlin, Ars Electronica Linz等)/他也是几个多媒体项目的联合创作人,包括Tonopolis (2010) www.tonopolis.pl oraz Orient Potockiego / Dźwiękopis (2012) /他还曾进行个人演出,将实地录音以多种形式渗透,包括原声打击乐以及无人机电子乐/他曾为电影(Panoptikon, 2013)以及声音戏剧(Bajki dla odważnych 2013)进行录音工作,到现在为止发行了三张专辑,分别是Tonopolis. Impression from the Town (2010), Panoptikon (2013) 以及Ninkyo Dantai (2014)/他自己经营着一家独立的唱片公司 – Noisen Records/他发布过两个实地录音专辑,分别是 Aux oreilles d’un etranger (2015) Hijra/ NOISE from the Jungle (2016)/
Rafał Kołacki is a musician affiliated with the following projects: HATI, Mammoth Ulthana, Innercity Ensamble, T’ien Lai and Molok Mun / He has recorded and released a dozen of records and performed around the world (Unsound New York, CTM Berlin, Ars Electronica Linz, etc.) / He is the co-author of the following multimedia projects Tonopolis (2010) www.tonopolis.pl oraz Orient Potockiego / Dźwiękopis (2012) / He also performs solo penetrating field recordings in various forms, acoustic percussion music and drone electronics / He has recorded for films (Panoptikon, 2013), and sound dramas (Bajki dla odważnych 2013) and released three albums so far: Tonopolis. Impression from the Town (2010), Panoptikon (2013) and Ninkyo Dantai (2014) / He runs an independent record label Noisen Records / He released two fields recordings records Aux oreilles d’un etranger (2015) and Hijra / NOISE from the Jungle (2016) /